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Do you need help with behavioral health or substance use issues? Does a member of your family also need help? WellLife Network can help you!

WellLife has the compassionate care you need, where and when you need it.

We call the services LiveWell+.

LiveWell+ is a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic that provides comprehensive, holistic outpatient services to children and adults. That means we consider all of your needs and your family’s needs to help you be well for life.

Our services are available to individuals who are uninsured regardless of their age, insurance status or ability to pay.

•  24/7 Crisis Services for CCBHC Enrolled Clients

•  Psychiatric Rehabilitation services

•  Integrated Primary Care services, combining medical

    and behavioral health to fully address your medical care

•  Addiction & Mental Health Care with licensed counselors

•  Telehealth Visits

•  Peer Services 

•  Outpatient Mental Health & Substance Use services, including

    Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) 

•  Medication Management

•  Targeted Case Management

•  Services for Veterans and their families

WellLife’s LiveWell+ Center partners with the following organizations to offer you the best care. Our partners include: Concern for Independent Living, Inc., and Sun River Health.

There is only ONE step to enter this program. Just fill out the simple appointment form. Someone will contact you within 24 hours. You can receive the services you need, when you need them–regardless of your age, insurance status, or ability to pay.

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LiveWell+ provides quality care to adolescents and children with serious emotional disorders, adults, and veterans and their families.

LiveWell+ is made possible through a generous grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).



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